Buying A Foreclosure: 5 Things To Know

Buying a property out of foreclosure can be a very smart move, financially. But it can also be complicated, expensive, and stressful. Here are 5 things to keep in mind before you take a first step in that direction: Cash Or Preapproval Required Buying a house that has been returned to the lender through foreclosure means dealing with bureaucracy rather than with a motivated seller. Large lenders are notorious for taking their time to approve a contract, even if the offer is for the exact amount specified. Then there's the paperwork, which can seem endless. Most lenders require that prospective buyers…
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Backyard Farming: Fad Or The New Future

While a kitchen herb garden or pot-grown tomatoes may be commonplace in both suburban backyards and on urban condo patios, an increasingly large number of homeowners look to backyard farming as a way to relieve some of the stresses of modern life. Other benefits include cutting grocery bills, living a more sustainable life, and teaching children about food. The New Food Landscape  Do new trends signal a return to simpler times, or are they a pushback against higher food prices and loss of control over the food supply? Is it a lasting change that will spread across the country or a trendy, elitist…
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Smart Technology or Home Automation: What’s the Difference?

Is it worth it to add smart appliances or automated features if you're selling a home? Just how much connectivity do buyers want? And what exactly do the terms refer to in terms of home updates. Although smart homes and home automation are sometimes used interchangeably, they actually refer to two basically different concepts about how appliances and home systems can operate. Then there is the need for "connectivity," adding another dimension to any discussion of futuristic home features. Home Automation According to a Texas-based Direct Energy blog, home automation has a long history, beginning with the first labor-saving devices…
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