How Important Is The Land Around A Potential Home?

When viewing a potential home, how much consideration should you give to the surrounding land? In many ways, the land should be carefully regarded, since land is the thing that is hardest to alter. You can rip up carpet, paint walls and even knock down walls, but it takes a lot more effort to change land.  Mature Landscaping  Mature landscaping is typically cited as a benefit, but what if you're the type who enjoys looking out at wide open spaces? It could also be that the mature landscaping - older trees - are situated dangerously near the house. Weakened trees…
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Four Key Injury Prevention Tips On Moving Day

It's more likely that someone will incur an injury on moving day than on an ordinary day. The reason is that people are moving in ways that they don't normally move, loads can be heavy, and accidents do happen. However, most injuries on moving day can be prevented by taking a few simple precautions. Use A Dolly Instead of trying to move more than one box by hand, use a dolly or a hand truck. This inexpensive tool can safely move multiple boxes without you having to lift anything at all. Keep in mind that all the boxes should be…
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Are Tiny Homes Here To Stay?

The average size of an American home has been increasing since the 1970s. The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) reports that, in 1973, the median size for a new home in the United States was 1,660 square feet. Over the past 45 years or so, this increased by more than 1,000 square feet. The median size of a new home is now 2,687 square feet. The Problem With Big Houses At first, a big house is appealing until one tries to clean it or pay the utility bills. Many baby boomers, who are now nearing retirement age, are downsizing, especially if…
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