Selling Your Home? Here’s 3 Reasons Why You Won’t Want to Handle the Sale Yourself

Are you thinking about selling your home? If so, you may be weighing the pros and cons of working with a professional real estate agent. Let's take a quick look at three great reasons why you won't want to handle the sale yourself. You Won't Save As Much As You Think Let's start with the most common and obvious reason that homeowners try to handle their home sale: the cost. It's true that selling your home using the services of a real estate professional isn't going to be free. Depending on the value of your home, their commission might range…
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Ready to Buy Your First Home? Don’t Forget to Check Your Credit Score – Here’s Why

Whether you're just out of college, recently married or simply haven't jumped into the market yet, buying your first home is an exciting prospect. It can also be an expensive one, which is why most people will take out a mortgage to help finance the cost. If you are planning on engaging with a mortgage lender, you'll need to have your finances in order. In today's post, we'll share a few key reasons why you'll want to check your credit score well in advance of buying your first home. Your Credit Score Is A Signal For Lenders As you know,…
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The Five Most Common Overlooked Expenses When Selling a House

Most homeowners are so enthusiastic about putting their home on the market and getting the price they're hoping for that the expenses involved in selling a home are forgotten. However, it's often said that one has to spend money to make money, and selling a home is no exception! If you're wondering what kinds of overlooked expenses will cut into your home sale, here are some costs to consider. Minor Renovations There are always a few things to fix-up when it comes time to sell your home, but by establishing what will best increase your home's value, you can make…
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