6 Smart Ways Hardware Can Upgrade Your New Home

Decorating and putting the finishing touches on your new home is definitely one of the most fun parts of moving. It's satisfying to fill your new home with furnishings and décor choices that reflect your personality and lifestyle. One of the most overlooked aspects of decorating is the hardware. However, hardware changes can dramatically transform your home in unexpected ways. Here are some ideas to use. Install A New Door Knocker If your new home has a door knocker, replace it with a new one. If it doesn't already have one, it's easy to install a door knocker using a…
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Home Staging Tip – Urban Gardening in Small Spaces

Home staging means getting a home ready for sale with the goal to maximize the sale price and close a sale as fast as possible. Some home staging tasks are very dreary, like having to get the place sparkling clean. That is really not fun work. It may be better, if it is affordable, for the homeowner to hire professionals to do that grunt work. Another part of home staging is really fun and even can start long before putting a home on the market for sale. Children like to participate in this as well. It is creating an urban…
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4 Times When Laminate Flooring Is Better Than Hardwood

Hardwood flooring is considered a premium flooring material. It's natural, long-lasting, durable and comes in a wide assortment of colors, wood, stains and plank widths. But hardwood flooring isn't always the best choice. If you're looking at homes to buy and eliminating the ones with laminate flooring, you could be overlooking some important considerations. There are at least four times when laminate flooring is a better option than hardwood: 1. You Live In A Very Humid Climate Excess humidity isn't kind to hardwood floors. Wood is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs moisture from the surroundings. Too much moisture in the…
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