Green Features to Look for When Buying a Home

When shopping for a new home, it's important to consider not just the aesthetics and location, but also the environmental impact of your future residence. Green features in homes are becoming increasingly popular, not only for their benefit to the environment but also for the cost savings they can provide over time. Here are some key green features to look for when buying a home: 1. Energy-Efficient Appliances One of the easiest ways to ensure your new home is eco-friendly is by checking for energy-efficient appliances. Look for the ENERGY STAR label on refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and other major…
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Green Energy Tax Credits For Home Improvement & Energy Efficiency

Many individuals and families are looking for ways to reduce their energy consumption. Running the heater during the winter and the air conditioner during the summer can have significant impacts on someone's energy consumption and costs. It should come as no surprise that many people are trying to reduce their HVAC usage to save money; however, there is a better way. Individuals and families can permanently reduce their fossil fuel usage and carbon footprint by investing in home improvements. Better yet, local, state, and even the federal government wants everyone's home to be more environmentally conscious, or "green." Many utility companies…
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4 Cool Green Material Ideas For Your New Home

If climate change is foremost in your mind, you may be interested in reducing your new home's carbon footprint. Choosing green materials is one way to promote sustainability and ensure you're doing your part to help the planet. Green Flooring  Flooring takes up all the square feet throughout your home. If you can opt for green flooring that will do a lot to reduce your new home's carbon footprint. Bamboo is a sustainable flooring option to consider. Bamboo grows at a rate that far outpaces any hardwood. For that reason, it's become a popular choice for homeowners looking for green…
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