The Process Of Buying A New Construction Home

Because the housing market is so competitive right now, many buyers are looking at alternative options. Instead of looking for a resale home, some buyers are considering a new home. What is the process of taking out a loan on a new construction home? There are several factors buyers should consider. Pricing On A New Construction Home Many buyers are used to negotiating with sellers to get the best deal possible. On a new construction home, it is still possible to negotiate for a better price. Most homeowners are going to be negotiating for better items in the home than…
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Do You Have Enough Of A Down Payment Saved Up?

If you are planning on purchasing a home in the near future, you need to make sure you have enough money saved up. While there are a lot of expenses that go along with purchasing a home, the biggest expense is the down payment. The common belief is that people have to put 20 percent down; however, even if you don’t have 20 percent saved up, you might still be able to purchase a home. It will depend on whether you can get a lender to provide a loan that is greater than 80 percent of the purchase price of…
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