Multigenerational Housing ? Buying A Home For Your Parents To Live With You

Multigenerational housing is a growing trend that is propelled by the “graying of America.” This trend is the mirror image of children who become adults still living with their parents. Instead, with multigenerational housing, the adult children invite their parents to live with them. Many are seeking to buy larger homes to accommodate the needs of their young family, while also being able to live together with their parents. Older Homeowners And Multigenerational Homes Are Increasing The numbers are staggering.® reports that for the next 20 years, older adults, over the age of 65, will increase from 26% to…
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Looking For A Major Lifestyle Change? Consider Buying A ‘Micro’ Home

With the sometimes high cost of buying and maintaining a home and the concept of being sustainable becoming more popular, many people are considering moving to a smaller home to minimize their impact. It's important, however, to consider what living small is really like before deciding that it's the right move for you. If you're curious about life on a smaller scale, here are some things to contemplate beforehand. Getting Rid Of The Excess It's just a fact that a smaller amount of space means a smaller amount of stuff, but many people don't realize this works two ways. While…
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Strategies For Buying And Selling A Home At The Same Time

If you're already a homeowner and you're getting ready to buy a new home, you know it's tricky to buy and sell a home at the same time. There are lots of questions about how to handle this scenario. What if your old home doesn't sell quickly? Will you have to make two mortgage payments? What if you sell and the new owners want to move in before you close on your new home? Depending on your situation, here are some strategies available to you. Get A Bridge Loan If you find yourself facing more than one mortgage payment -…
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