Tech Jobs Driving House Flipping Projects

Reality TV shows about house flipping make it look easy. But behind every lucrative renovation project, there are factors that impact profitability such as buying price, labor costs, unforeseen setbacks and perhaps most importantly, location. There is no escaping the old real estate adage of "location, location, location." Home-flipping entrepreneurs must take into account whether polishing up a blighted building is in a viable resale neighborhood. One of the location factors some house flippers are following is the trend in tech jobs. Because the tech industry does not necessarily rely on interstate highways, commercial hubs or seaports, computer-oriented businesses are…
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Best Things To Do Now To Get Your Finances Mortgage Ready

You probably already know that qualifying for a mortgage can be the biggest hurdle -- aside from actually finding that dream property -- along the path to home ownership. Rather than agonizing about it, however, there are some positive actions you can take in advance to help you realize your dream. Take A Close Look At Your Budget If you don't currently operate with a comprehensive household budget, get started now to analyze your income and monitor your spending habits. There's no better way to prepare for home ownership than by being realistic about how you spend your money. If…
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Fall Outdoor Lighting Tips

Many people associate the fall months with cooler temperatures and changing colors. But another defining characteristic of fall is that the days become shorter. Yes, there's limited daylight, as the sun rises later and sets earlier. Noting this, it's important to take any exterior lighting into consideration if you're listing your home this fall. It's important because you want your home to have a welcoming vibe to it, but with the potential for showings to occur in limited daylight, some modifications and new light installations may be necessary in order for it to stand out. What's more is that exterior…
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