What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – October 22nd, 2018

Last week's economic reports included readings on home builder confidence,sales of pre-owned homes and housing starts.  The Commerce Department also issued a report on building permits issued; weekly reports on mortgage rates and first-time jobless claims were also released. Homebuilder Confidence Rises One Point The National Association of Home Builders reported a reading of 68 for October,which surpassed August's reading of 67. Any reading over 50 indicates most home builders are confident about housing market conditions. Builders cited ongoing headwinds including higher prices for materials,shortages of lots and labor and rising mortgage rates. Builders sought ways to provide more affordable…
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Foreclosure Rates Expected To Dip Below 12-Year Low

The record-setting pace of the U.S. economy continues to positively impact the housing market and home foreclosures now stand at an astonishing 12-year low. Coming off a GDP growth rate of 4.1 percent and a historic bull stock market run, everyday Americans appear to be benefiting from one of, if not the strongest economies in decades. According to data compiled by CoreLogic, mortgage delinquency rates continue to improve and are already at the lowest levels in 12 years. Building on last year's national trend, foreclosures and mortgages more than 30 days past due declined to 4.2 percent in May. Other…
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U.S. Wage Increases Could Help Home Buyers

The struggle to achieve the American homeownership dream often feels like it happens in a vacuum. Everyday people work hard, save money and polish up their credit to get a low mortgage rate. But there are powerful forces at work that are far beyond each person's control. And until recently, the gap between American wage growth and rising home prices was widening. According to data coming out of the U.S. Department of Labor, unemployment recently hit a 49-year low and wages are enjoying the greatest uptick in nearly a decade. That is good news for prospective home buyers. American Wages…
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