In-Law Apartments Provide Tangible Benefits For Home Owners

Many homeowners are looking for ways to maximize on their investment. One idea that is gaining popularity is a space set aside for aging parents known as an In-law apartments. These additions are living spaces that can set a property apart from others on the real estate market. In-law apartments generally enjoy a private entrance and include things like a private bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and living room. Although generally smaller than the main residence, in-law apartments provide all the elements of a home. Because these living spaces are often built after the original floor plan was conceived, spaces such as…
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6 Essential Home Fixes Before Selling

Not every buyer may want a fixer-upper. While your home for sale doesn’t need to be turn-key or move-in-ready, there are certain fixes that are important to many buyers and that can help make the sale. 1. Landscaping It all starts with curb appeal. Landscaping helps set the mood and makes the first impression. It can be worth the time and money to replace missing mulch, pavers, or rock. Remove dead plants and shrubbery. Trim bushes and prune trees, especially lower limbs that hang over walkways or brush too close to the house. Add pops of color with planters and…
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Guide To Buying An A-Frame House

A-Frame houses have spiked in popularity over the last couple of years. These adorable homes can be quirky or sleek and modern. They are shaped like a triangle -- hence the name. A-Frame houses are shaped like the letter A. The walls begin near the foundation and slope upwards in a slant. The walls meet at the top to form a triangle or A-shape.  A-Frame houses are popular all over the United States. They are ideal for second or vacation homes. The big windows make them especially popular in very picturesque locales. This feature allows homeowners to enjoy fabulous views…
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